Below, we have different definitions or meanings of the word awedde. These different definitions are grouped based on the different parts of speech. You will also find examples for every definition if available
Noun: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
UK: /ɔːˈɛd.dɛ/
US: /ɔːˈɛd.dɛ/
Awedde has two possible meanings:
Without more context, it's difficult to say which meaning of "awedde" you encountered. If you saw it in a medical context, it's likely the brand name of the medication. Otherwise, it's possible you came across an older text where the obsolete meaning was used.
Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: enraged, furious, distraught, frantic, distressed, despairing, maddened
Antonyms: calm, composed, serene, happy, joyful, content
The villagers were awedde with fear as the storm raged on
Dr. Jones prescribed Awedde for Sarah's anxiety.